First Baptist Church of Bryan, Texas

Bryan, Texas -

Phone: 9797761400

First Baptist Church Bryan is located in the heart of Bryan-College Station between Houston & Austin, Texas.  FBC Bryan was establiushed November 21, 1866.  The new campus opened in 2006 and the new 38,000 square foot College Life Space and Childrens addition was completed in November 2023.  The Worship Center Renovation was completed early August 2024.  With an average attendance over 2,000, FBC Bryan is one of the largest and fastest growing churches in Bryan-College Station, often referred to as Aggieland.  The total permanent population in the area is about 225,000, plus about 90,000 students at Texas A&M University and Blinn Junior College.  Jim Heiligman is the Senior Pastor who just celebrated his 10th anniversary at FBC Bryan.  The two Worship Pastors are Matt Marsh (Traditional Service) and Jason Dunton (Contemporary Service).  As of late August 2024, there are five services on Sundays:  8:40AM (Traditional), 10:10AM (Contemporary), 11:30AM (Contemporary), 11;30AM (Spanish) and 7:00PM (College Worship "One27 at Night", which ministers to 500+ College students), and two GroupLife Hours 10:10AM and 11:30AM.  FBC Bryan hosts Mothers Day Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays and provides Childcare for all Sunday services and weekday church-wide activities.

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